Favorite Movie Quotes

Some cool Movie Quotes to liven up your day

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Daily Movie Quotations

Here are the Movie Quotations ...

Movie: Quatermass and the Pit(1967)

Are you insured? I'm insured. It's good to be insured. At least it cheers you up.

Movie: Once Were Warriors(1994)

Jake Heke:
Well fuck off, then! You'll get nothing from me.

Beth Heke:
You have nothing I want, Jake.

Movie: Kaleidoscope (TV)(1990)

Young Hilary:
Uncle Arthur is going to take you and Meagan on a little trip.

Young Alexandra:
Where are we going.

Young Hilary:
Back to New York.

Young Alexandra:
Are you coming.

Young Hilary:
No not now.

Young Alexandra:
Then I don't wanna go.

Young Hilary:
You have to, if you don't go then Meagan will be scared.]

Young Alexandra:
But what if I get scared.

Young Hilary:
You won't be frightened. because wherever you go, you'll always know how much I love you, I want you to always remember that. I love you Aksi, that's all.]

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