Movie Quotes for Today
Here are the Movie Quotes ...
Movie: F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon (VG)(2005)
Paxton Fettel:
You still don't know do you? Who you are, why you are here? What's the first thing you remember? What's your given name? Where were you born? You have no history.
Movie: Earth Girls Are Easy(1988)
[on the phone to Valerie, as cops attack him] I gotta go, Val - I'm gettin' my butt kicked!
Movie: Made in Britain (TV)(1982)
Trevor the Skinhead:
Kick me in the bollocks if that's what you feel like doing because I do the same to you when I feel like it so good night and fuck off to you
Movie: Paint Your Wagon(1969)
Ben Rumson:
Howdy Parson, welcome to HELL!
Movie: F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon (VG)(2005)
[last lines]
Genevieve Aristide:
It was unavoidable. There is some good news, however. The first prototype was a complete success.
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Sat, 16 Feb 2008 06:20:00 GMT
Boston Globe - Many are the disciplines of commercial cinema: director, cameraman, editor, grip. Among the least sung but most critical to a movie's first public impression are the poster artists, whose job is multiple. They have to hard-sell us yet seduce us; they ...
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School Research 15/02/2008 20:06:00 Business Wire with an internet service to make such ticketing available--or even take the function in-house. People who come to the movies in groups also tend to buy more popcorn, soda, and candy, Hartmann and Gil found.
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