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Movie: The Abominable Dr. Phibes(1971)
Anyway, medical men die every day.
Inspector Trout:
I'm aware of that sir.
Good. They're composed of the same flesh and blood as you and I.
Inspector Trout:
I'm aware of that too sir. I happen to have seen rather a lot of their flesh and blood in the past few days.
Movie: The Untold(2002)
Harlan Knowles:
C'mon you goddamn ape, I'm not going anywhere! Come and get it!
Clayton Tyne:
Uh, Mr. H, could you not do that, he might understand you.
Harlan Knowles:
That's what I'm counting on.
Movie: Valiant(2005)
[shouting] Quiet!
Movie: Keeping the Faith(2000)
Anna Riley:
I read your sarin gas report. It was very powerful.
Rachel Rose:
Thanks, I really earned my stripes with that piece.
Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram:
I earned my stripes by getting through a bris without fainting.
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