More Quotations
Movie: Back to the Future Part II(1989)
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.
Movie: Vanilla Sky(2001)
[last lines]
The Future:
[voice] Relax, David. Open your eyes.
Movie: Zero Effect(1998)
Gregory Stark:
Is this your kid?
Steve Arlo:
Nope. Just a rental.
Movie: Orgazmo(1997)
Excuse me, could you tell me what movie this is?
Video Store Clerk:
[laughs] What movie this is? Where have you been, under a rock?
No, I'm from Utah.
Video Store Clerk:
Oh. Sorry.
Movie: Galaxy Quest(1999)
Jason Nesmith:
You know, what I could really use here is a cup holder and a couple of Advil.
Movie: I Am Dina(2002)
When she feels bad, she screams. Do you still hear her?
Dina's Father:
Oh, yes... I hear her... I hear her every single day.
Won't you ever stop hating me?
Dina's Father:
Dina, please...
Tell me the truth, Father! Tell me what you feel.
Dina's Father:
What I feel? I feel... nothing.
Movie: Bacall on Bogart (TV)(1988)
John Huston:
He's a much bigger star today than when he was alive. He has become what amounts to a cult figure.
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