Favorite Movie Quotes

Some cool Movie Quotes to liven up your day

Friday, July 11, 2008

Great Movie Quotes

Movie Quotes:

Movie: Tarzan(1999)

No matter where I go, you will always be my mother.

And you will always be in my heart.

Movie: Our Betters(1933)

Thornton Clay:
You're a most unscrupulous woman, Pearl.

Lady Pearl Saunders Grayston:
Not more than most.

Movie: Hackers(1995)

Dade Murphy:
Anything else, mom? You want me to mow the lawn? Oops! I forgot, New York, No grass.

Movie: Madonna: Truth or Dare(1991)

We shouldn't have any more sex. You should build an altar for me in home and worship it daily, and you call me collect!

Movie: Magic(1978)

"Take two, they're big." Do remember when you said that to me Ben?

Ben Greene:
A pro never forgets his good lines, kid.

Movie: X2(2003)

Professor X:
Oh, my God, William, this is your son! What have you...

William Stryker:
No, Charles. My son is dead. Just like the rest of you!

Movie: Babes in Toyland (TV)(1986)

Do you want to believe, Lisa?

Lisa Piper:
Yes, I do. More than anything. I always wanted to be a kid, I always wanted to play with toys. I believe in all of you, and I am still just a kid. I really am.

Today's Movie News

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Mon, 07 Jul 2008 14:08:00 GMT
24H Movies känns lite som nätets motsvarighet till tiokronorshyllan i din lokala videobutik. Det är billigt men utbudet är inte särskilt upphetsande. Om du inte har några ...

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Fri, 11 Jul 2008 16:13:00 GMT
Expressen ger dig gratis reseguider Över 300 guider på mer än 10 olika språk

Latest Movie Quotations

Movie Quotations:

Movie: Babe: Pig in the City(1998)

The Pitbull:
[during jelly bean distribution to the hungry animals] Thank the pig.

Movie: Darling(1965)

Diana Scott:
Imagine if...

Miles Brand:

Diana Scott:
It took three.

Miles Brand:
Took three?

Diana Scott:
Sexes. To make a child.

Miles Brand:
Very entertaining.

Diana Scott:
Everything would be different, wouldn't it, quite different, with three sexes.

Miles Brand:
Haven't we got enough problems with two?

Movie: Tales of the Abyss (VG)(2005)

Anise Tatlin:
No one can stand before the agent of justice, Tokunaga.

Luke Fon Fabre:
I don't know about 'Justice'.

Guy Cecil:
I think 'evil''s more like it.

Movie: Vanity Fair(2004)

Miss Matilda Crawley:
Keep your toadying until I get to a fire. You can suck up all you wish once I'm warm.

Movie: Zatôichi(2003)

I have to say, it's incredible. You really look like a woman! Does make-up make men beautiful?

Geisha Seitaro 'Osei' Naruto:
It doesn't work on everyone. It depends on the face!

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