Favorite Movie Quotes

Some cool Movie Quotes to liven up your day

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Quotes Update

Here are the Quotes ...

Movie: Adventures of a Private Eye(1977)

[Detective Judd Blake has just caught his assistant peeping at the keyhole.]

Judd Blake:
Amateur. Peering through keyholes is for the amateur.

I wasn't, actually, Mr. Blake. I just thought I'd dropped something on the floor.

Judd Blake:
Bugging, now that's the professional way.


Judd Blake:
Yes, and like everything else, purely a matter of technique. Now you stick with me, and you'll soon learn to be a successful bugger.

Movie: Van Helsing(2004)

Anna Valerious:
You make my skin crawl.

Count Vladislaus Dracula:
That's not all I can do.

[Is about to bite her neck but Van Helsing saves her]

Movie: Back to the Future(1985)

High-School Band Audition Judge:
Hold it, fellas. I'm afraid you're just too darn loud. Next, please. Bring in the next group, please.

Movie: V for Vendetta(2005)

Evey Hammond:
I can't stay here.

I know. Well, you won't find any more locked doors here.

Movie: Bad Boys(1983)

Marcus Burnett:
[trying to imitate Mike] Hello, this is Mike Low-rey...

Captain Howard:
He doesn't talk that way. Try to talk like him, like him! Try to talk sexy. Sexy, you don't talk sexy enough!

Marcus Burnett:
Cap, Cap! I've been there.

Movie: Easy Money(1983)

Clive Barlow:
Bartender I'll have a Perier with a twist

Louie the Bartender:
I'm sorry I only have it on Draft

Today's Movie News

TFF offering wide range of movies (Asbury Park Press)

Sun, 13 Apr 2008 10:39:03 GMT

Conservatives Urge Marriott to Scrap Adult Movies (The Christian Post)

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 16:17:23 GMT
Several conservative groups, including the American Family Association, are asking Marriott International Inc. to stop giving hotel guests the option of ordering pay-per-view movies with strong sexual ...

Campo de la receta de los corazones

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 11:16:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta dulce para el campo de corazones, con
el licor del melón de Midori, el licor de la fresa, licor de la
avellana de Frangelico, licor de Galliano y crema herbarios. 1 crema
herbaria del cl del licor 4 el 1/2 del melón de Midori del cl del
licor 1 de la fresa del cl del licor 1 el 1/2 de Galliano del cl del
licor 1 el 1/2 de la avellana de Frangelico del cl del 1/2 en un
cristal del coctel, acoda el licor de la fresa sobre el midori.
Sacudida ...

The best gambling movies of all time (San Francisco Chronicle)

Sun, 13 Apr 2008 07:33:11 GMT
Every other genre seems to come and go. Superhero movies, underwater disaster pictures and zombie films all disappear from theaters for years at a time. But, for whatever reason, Hollywood always seems willing to take a chance on a gambling movie. "Deal"...

Receta amarga de Kahlua

Sat, 12 Apr 2008 05:13:00 +0000
Una receta dulce para Kahlua amargo, con el licor de café de Kahlua,
el jugo del limón y el azúcar. 1 azúcar del tsp del licor de café
del 1/2 onza Kahlua 1 el 1/2 kahlua de la mezcla del jugo del limón
de 1 onza y jugo del limón en un cristal del coctel. Agregue el
azúcar, y el servicio. Sirva en un cristal del coctel.


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