Latest Lines from Movies
Check out these Lines from Movies:
Movie: Adventures in Odyssey: The Knight Traveler (V)(1991)
Eugene Meltsner:
Incredible! Some people will do anything to make a sale...
Movie: Magnolia(1999)
Quiz Kid Donnie Smith:
I love you, Brad - Brad the bartender. You wanna love me back? I'll be good to you.
Movie: Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince (TV)(1971)
Don't look so worried, little frogy. There's still a way you can break the spell. I mean, you might just happen to meet a princess. And she might befriend you and take you to live in the palace, and someday she just might kiss you. Then you'll be a prince again.
Doesn't seem so likely, does it?
Movie: Van Helsing(2004)
Van Helsing:
Now, Carl, whatever you do, don't stare at him.
[he opens the coach door, revealing the Frankenstein Monster shackled into the seat, struggling and snarling]
I'm staring at him.
[quickly turns away]
Is that a man?
Van Helsing:
Actually, it's seven men. Parts of them, anyway.
Movie: Tang shan da xiong(1971)
Cheng Chao-an:
Beat it or I'll kill you right now.
Movie: The Oscar(1966)
Sometimes I get the feeling, Frankie, you ought to be chained up with a ring in your nose.
Movie: Quatermass and the Pit(1967)
Col. Breen:
Mars is dead, nothing there but a few scraps of lichen.
Professor Bernard Quatermass:
Five million years ago it may have been very different. Suppose at that time there were living beings on it with techniques that let them visit the Earth at a time when the most highly evolved creatures here, our own ancestors, were only a type of Pliocene ape.
Minister of Defense:
Go on.
Professor Bernard Quatermass:
They may have wanted to found another colony, when their own world was doomed, but couldn't endure our atmosphere, so they experimented.
Minister of Defense:
Oh, and the insects were responsible?
Professor Bernard Quatermass:
There is clearly some connection. My guess is that those were ape mutations being brought back for release on Earth.
Col. Breen:
And you really believe this was possible? That apes were systematically taken from this planet to another and...
Professor Bernard Quatermass:
Altered, by selective breeding, atomic surgery, methods we can't guess, and with new faculties instilled in them, high intelligence, perhaps something else.
In effect, a colonization.
Professor Bernard Quatermass:
It would be a way of possessing the Earth. Only a colony by proxy, but better than leaving nothing at all behind.
Surely it had to be carried out on a hugh scale.
Professor Bernard Quatermass:
Yes, if I'm right, if I'm right, we've come on a single instance, probably an accident, a landing that went wrong and they all died. The Thames valley was swamp then.
Minister of Defense:
You realize what you are implying? That we owe our human condition here to the intervention of insects.
Professor Bernard Quatermass:
I suppose I am.
Movie: The Odyssey (TV)(1997)
My goal is not to kill you. You must understand.
What? What?
What do you want me to understand?
That without the gods, man is nothing.
Movie: The Magic of Aladdin (TV)(1989)
[Abanazar rubs his ring to summon its Genie]
Your wish is my command, O Master.
Tell me, Sheherezade... what is it like being my slave?
Master, 'tis cold within the ring.
Well then, I ought to keep my hands in my pockets more often!
'Tis but a *little* thing...
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Wed, 26 Nov 2008 12:53:00 GMT
Blockbuster's new digital media player brings fewer, but more recent titles from the Internet to consumers' televisions than a six-month old offering from Netflix. The MediaPoint ...
Receta azteca del oro
Tue, 25 Nov 2008 03:15:00 +0000
Compruebe hacia fuera esta receta deliciosa para saber si hay oro azteca, con tequila del oro, creme de bananes, el licor de la almendra del amaretto y el licor herbario de Galliano. 15 ml de licor herbario de Galliano
15 ml del amaretto de licor de la almendra
15 ml creme de bananes
35 ml del oro de hielo del tequila una coctelera y agregan los ingredientes.
Sacuda vigoroso para 12 - 15 segundos y la tensión en un vidrio de coctel enfriado.
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Who needs a stress buster: Sheila Dikshit - MSN India
Wed, 26 Nov 2008 12:24:00 GMT
New Delhi: It is 10.30 a.m. on a sunny winter morning and Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit's residence is teeming with people - an aged well wisher with a flower bouquet, a ...
_ niebla poner crema receta
Tue, 25 Nov 2008 15:05:00 +0000
Aquí está una gran receta para la crema de la niebla, con el whisky canadiense de la niebla, el licor de café, la crema pesada y el jarabe de la granadina. 1 jarabe canadiense de la granadina de la rociada del whisky 1 de la niebla del 1/2 onza
licor de café del 1/2 onza
cosechadora de la crema pesada de 4 onzas todos los ingredientes en un mezclador con mitad de la taza de hielo machacado.
Mezcle hasta que sea liso.
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Star Movies presents The Simpsons Movie - Indian Television
Wed, 26 Nov 2008 11:06:00 GMT
MUMBAI: Homer is back with an agenda! Star Movies presents the eagerly-awaited film based on the long-running TV series The Simpsons Movie as the Movie of the Month. Directed by ...
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