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Movie: P'tang, Yang, Kipperbang. (TV)(1982)
[Ann and Geoffrey are saying their farewells as they are about to go home in different directions]
[romantically] Mañana.
[romantically] Mañana.
Geoffrey, Ann:
[together] Mañana's not soon enough for me.
[Alan looks nauseated at this display of affection]
Movie: Galaxy Quest(1999)
[Trying to explain TV to the Thermians]
Gwen DeMarco:
They're not ALL "historical documents." Surely, you don't think Gilligan's Island is a...
[All the Thermians moan in despair]
Those poor people.
Movie: Darkness Falls(2003)
Officer Matt Henry:
This thing's gonna kill us isn't it?
Officer Matt Henry:
All this over a fuckin' tooth.
Movie: Halo 2 (VG)(2004)
Hey! Let's catch one and ride it!
Movie: Dark Command(1940)
Bob 'Shortcut' Seton:
You know that girl I was staring at when all the ruckus started?
Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud:
Bob 'Shortcut' Seton:
Well, who is she?
Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud:
Well, her name is Mary McCloud. Why?
Bob 'Shortcut' Seton:
Well, I'll tell you. I think maybe I'll marry her.
Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud:
What ?
Bob 'Shortcut' Seton:
Course if she'll have me, I mean. Fella wouldn't wanna marry anyone that didn't want him, naturally.
Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud:
Oh, naturally. Uh, you know her well?
Bob 'Shortcut' Seton:
Naw, just seen her once or twice. Once she was on a horse, and...
Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud: time she was with a jackass.
[referring to Cantrell / Walter Pidgeon]
Bob 'Shortcut' Seton:
He is, huh? Makes it easier, don't it?
Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud:
Practically a cinch. Say, you do things kinda sudden don't you?
Bob 'Shortcut' Seton:
No, not exactly. But you see I got 'er figured out this way. If you LIKE someone - and you don't tell 'em right off - well, maybe all that time you wasted, she liked you, too. So... well, all that time's wasted, ain't it?
Fletcher 'Fletch' McCloud:
Well, it IS the way you put it.
Movie: The X Files Game (VG)(1998)
Special Agent Fox Mulder:
Geez, man, do I know you?
Craig Willmore:
Cable Guy.
Today's Movie News
Cabo de la buena receta de la voluntad
Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:30:00 +0000
Aquí está una receta agradable para el cabo de la buena voluntad,
con ron ligero, brandy del albaricoque, jugo de cal, jugo anaranjado y
bitters anaranjado. 1 ron ligero del 1/2 onza el jugo de cal del
brandy el 1/2 onza del albaricoque del jugo anaranjado el 1/2 onza de
1 onza 2 estralla los bitters anaranjados en una coctelera media llena
con los cubos del hielo, combina todos los ingredientes. Pozo de la
sacudida. Filtre en un cristal del coctel. Servicio ...
At the movies: Now showing
Sat, 15 Mar 2008 06:01:00 GMT
Summit Daily News - Showtimes: 5 and 7:30 p.m. Friday; noon, 2:30, 5 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday; and 5 and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday at the Speakeasy Movie Theatre in Breckenridge ...
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