Favorite Movie Quotes

Some cool Movie Quotes to liven up your day

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Great Movie Quotations

Straight to the Movie Quotations ...

Movie: ABBA: The Movie(1977)

[Ashley, seeking an interview, waits nearby as ABBA get into their limo]

Ashley Wallace:
Can I ...

[cutting him off] No, you can't.

Movie: Vanilla Sky(2001)

These? These are more than headaches. These are steel plates slicing through my every thought.

Movie: Zathura: A Space Adventure(2005)

Are you telling me to leave?

Well, once you're finished eating... yeah.

Well, he spun me

[points at Danny]

, so he has to decide.

[pulls out card] Well I'm Fleet Admiral, and I'm telling you to hit the road

Oh... I'm sorry... I didn't know. Oh, you know what...

[pulls out a card]

I'm Fleet Admiral too! It's just a card, Bugnuts!

Movie: Queen Kong(1976)

[Ray Fay is sitting in a birthday cake, served for Queen Kong, who approaches the giant table]

Ray Fay:
You can't eat me! I'm jewish! I'm Irish! I'm black!

[Queen Kong sits down on the giant chair]

Ray Fay:
I'm a leper! I'm a Jewish black Irish leper!

Movie: Xtracurricular(2003)

She's scary dude.

Movie: Takeshis'(2005)

[first and last lines]

Beat Takeshi:
Now what?

Movie: Dances with Wolves(1990)

John Dunbar:
Nothing I have been told about these people is correct. They are not thieves or beggars. They are not the bogeymen they are made out to be. On the contrary, they are polite guest and I enjoy their humor.

Movie: Sabrina(1954)

Sabrina Fairchild:
I might as well be reaching for the moon.

Baron St. Fontanel:
Oh, you young people are so old fashioned. Have you not heard? We are building rockets to reach the moon!

Movie: The Da Vinci Code(2006)

Sophie Neveu:
Professor Langdon, you are in grave danger.

Movie: The Odd Couple II(1998)

[last lines]

Oscar Madison:
This is the biggest, goddamnest deja vu anybody has ever had. Can we please play cards here, for crying out loud?

Today's Movie News

Receta de Fraise de Champán

Fri, 14 Sep 2007 17:41:00 +0000
Una receta apetitosa para Fraise de Champán, con Champán, DES Bois
del de de nata de Marie Brizard Fraise y el coñac. el coñac 3 el 1/2
onza Champán del 1/2 onza DES Bois del de de nata de 3/4 onza Marie
Brizard Fraise vierte en un platillo del champán, y servicio.
Servicio en un platillo de Champán.

Receta de la señora de Voodoo

Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:25:00 +0000
Aquí está una receta distintiva para la señora de Voodoo, con el
jugo triple del sec, del coñac y del limón. el coñac de 1 onza jugo
triple del limón de 1 onza sec el 1/2 onza vierte el sec triple, el
coñac, y el hielo excesivo del jugo del limón. Sacudara, filtre en
un cristal del coctel, y servicio. Sirva en un cristal del coctel.

Receta en declive del coctel

Wed, 12 Sep 2007 17:12:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta divina para el coctel en declive, con
el jerez dulce, la ginebra, el vermú seco, el licor anaranjado seco
de Curacao y el coñac. la ginebra anaranjada seca dulce del vermú
seco el 1/2 onza del licor el 1/2 onza del coñac el 1/2 onza Curacao
del tsp del jerez 1 de 1 onza revuelve los ingredientes y la tensión
en un cristal pasado de moda llenado de hielo quebrado. Adorne con una
rebanada de la naranja y de una cereza, ...


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