Favorite Movie Quotes

Some cool Movie Quotes to liven up your day

Friday, January 04, 2008

Great Quotes

Straight to the Quotes ...

Movie: Galaxy Quest(1999)

Fred Kwan:
[Trying to work the matter-transmitter] So what do we test it on?

Tommy Webber:
[Sees Taggart, on the monitor, grappling with Grignak on the Berillium-Sphere planet] How about that Pig-Lizard?

Movie: The Taking of Beverly Hills(1991)

Ed Kelvin:
[as they steal a limo] Well atleast we'll die in luxury

Movie: Tales of the Abyss (VG)(2005)

Asch The Bloody:
Enter the evil noble, Abyss Silver!

Tear Grants:


Orange? Come on, guys! Give me a better colour!

Movie: Adam's Rib(1949)

Kip Lurie:
Lawyers should never marry other lawyers. This is called in-breeding; from this comes idiot children... and other lawyers.

Movie: Easter Fever (TV)(1980)

A egg... another egg... eggs benedict... EGGS BENEDICT?

Movie: Urban Legend(1998)

Hey, we're going down to Parker's dorm. Hootie's gonna pierce his nose.

Hootie's a dog, Damon.

That's no reason why he can't be hip.

Movie: Ultimo tango a Parigi(1972)

[drunk] Beauty of mine, sit before me. Let me peruse you and remember you... always like this.

Movie: Tail Gunner Joe (TV)(1977)

Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. Fred Fisher is a young man who is starting what looks to be a brilliant career with us. Little did I dream that you could be so reckless, and so cruel, as to do an injury to that lad. Have you no sense of decency, sir; at long last, have you left no sense of decency?

Movie: Dante's Peak(1997)

Paul Dreyfus:
Harry, listen... for what it's worth... you were right and I was wrong.

Movie: Underworld(1996)

You may have killed me cousin, but my will is done regardless.

Today's Movie News

Green Hornet Shot recipe

Fri, 27 Apr 2007 01:28:00 +0000
Check out this heavenly recipe for Green Hornet Shot, with McGuinness melon liqueur, Phillips butterscotch schnapps and ginger ale.

1 splash ginger ale
1/2 oz McGuinness melon liqueur
1/2 oz Phillips butterscotch schnapps

Layer the McGuinness melon liqueur and Phillips butterscotch schnapps in a shot glass.
Add a splash of ginger ale, and serve.
Serve in a Shot Glass.

Captain on Acid recipe

Wed, 25 Apr 2007 17:51:00 +0000
Check out this adorable recipe for Captain on Acid, with Captain Morgan Original spiced rum, coconut rum, Blue Curacao liqueur, pineapple juice and grenadine syrup.

1/4 oz Captain Morgan Original spiced rum
1/4 oz coconut rum
1/6 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
1/6 oz grenadine syrup
1/6 oz pineapple juice

Mix all ingredients except grenadine and pour into a shot glass.
Add ...]


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