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Movie: Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le(2001)
Old Man at the Two Windmills:
Still, true love does exist.
Suzanne, Owner Two Windmills bar:
I know. After 30 years behind a bar, I'm an expert. I'll even give you the recipe. Take two regulars, mix them together and let them stew. It never fails.
Movie: Laberinto del fauno, El(2006)
Have I told you that I was acquainted with your father, Captain?
Capitán Vidal:
No. I had no idea.
In Morocco. I knew him only briefly, but he left a great impression.
Capitán Vidal:
An excellent soldier.
The men in his battalion said that when General Vidal died on the battlefield, he smashed his watch on a rock so that his son would know the exaxt hour and minute of his death. So he would know how a brave man dies.
Capitán Vidal:
Nonsense. He didn't own a watch.
Movie: The Opposite of Sex(1998)
Jason Bock:
If I save one kid from getting butt-fucked, from having his ass totally reamed until it looks like the Lincoln Tunnel and he can't stand up for three weeks, then maybe all of this is worth... something. Teachers everywhere have to learn that no means no... at least until we've dropped out.
Movie: Accattone(1961)
Dear Accattone. You've changed from day to night.
Movie: Across the Pacific(1942)
Alberta Marlow:
[Talking about Japanese people in general] You are always so calm. You never show anything.
Capt. Higoto:
We are told not to. It is our way of rife. We must not show too much sad-i-ness or too much joy. If you praise what we have, we say it is nus-sing. If you admire our sons, we must say thay are unworthy.
Movie: Haggard: The Movie(2003)
Wallet Guy:
There's gotta be a fucking five in here somewhere.
Today's Movie News
All about Eve: Movies for (and about) New Year's Eve (Chicago Sun-Times)
Fri, 28 Dec 2007 21:59:01 GMT
We know how it is — you elect to stay home on New Year’s Eve and just watch some movies, but you feel like you should be out partying. Have no fear, there are dozens of movies you could rent that bring the New Year’s Eve party to you.
Sun, 30 Dec 2007 10:37:00 GMT
New York Post - Then they stayed away in droves as Hollywood delivered an avalanche of dark, challenging movies (notable exceptions that broke through: “No Country for Old Men" and “Michael Clayton"). Still, there were such a variety of riches - and dreck - that ...
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Sun, 30 Dec 2007 10:44:00 GMT
Baltimore Sun - ... do is get a bump of short-term advertising dollars while scaring and losing our customers in the process." Businesses would want to avoid the type of backlash that online hangout Facebook recently faced when it enlisted users as endorsers of movies ...
On Movies | To his latest director, Day-Lewis is 'the man'
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Philadelphia Inquirer - 'Maybe it's presumptuous to say this, but from a director's point of view he's the Holy Grail of actors, isn't he? At least he always was to me. Like, that's the man, that's the man . "There's no two ways about it, is there?" That's Paul Thomas ...
Sun, 30 Dec 2007 10:51:00 GMT
Chicago Tribune - What movies ended well? We solicited the opinions of our Features fellows and by Jan. 1 we'd like yours (e-mail A WARNING!!! If you've yet to see many of the significant films of the last 100 years and don't want the endings ...
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